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Cumberland County Name Change Lawyer
Are you considering legally changing your name? We can help you! Our team of lawyers have handled hundreds of name change applications over the years. Call (201) 798-8000 today, use our contact form below, or chat with us live 24/7 for a free consultation.
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We proudly represent clients throughout New Jersey for name change applications, including Cumberland County
Are you considering changing your name? Whether for marriage or adoption, you must follow a legal procedure in Cumberland County.
If you are living in Cumberland County, New Jersey, and would like to change your name, it may help get assistance from a Cumberland County name change lawyer. The Bhatt Laws Group has experienced lawyers that can take you through the process of name change in a seamless manner.
Do I Need a Cumberland County Name Change Lawyer to Obtain my New Name?
The process of changing names can be a complicated process that needs to be handled professionally. An experienced Cumberland County name change lawyer would be a great advantage to your proceedings for a number of reasons. Some of them include:
Ensure Completeness and Comprehensiveness of Documents
An Attorney can verify the information you have filled in documents before submitting them. They can also proofread for your documents to convey your exact message.
Faster Processing Time
Since an experienced Cumberland County name change lawyer has gone through the name change process severally, he can guide you from the initial process up to the time when you will be already notifying the different offices of your new name.
Lesser Effort on the part of the Petitioner
The right lawyer will help you secure some documents necessary for name change proceedings. He can also help the client explain concerns to the court if there will be some inquiries that may emerge later on.
Experienced Knowledge of the Whole Process
An experienced Cumberland name change Lawyer that is well versed will help you through the process and make it easier. They know the forms and the proper offices that can help with changing names.
An advantage of a lawyer is that they know the possible questions that a judge is likely to ask during the hearing. With their advice, you will have a higher chance of success with your name change proceedings.
Similarly, a lawyer can give you knowledgeable legal advice and urgent actions in cases of denial for the name change. Should there also be some concern that may arise eventually regarding the proceedings; their knowledge of the matter will guide you on the best option possible.
Reasons to Seek the Services of an Atlantic County Name Change Lawyer
In Atlantic County, a person can modify their name. One alternative available is filling out a form and submitting it to the County Superior Court. If you do it yourself, the entire process could cost as little as $250.
While this would seem to be a simple and straightforward procedure, there are a few other points to consider. The process includes:
- A court hearing.
- Press release of the decision.
- Verification of other government bodies.
Keep in mind that a judge may rule that a person cannot change their name under certain circumstances. As a result, speaking with an Atlantic County name change attorney before attempting to change one’s name is a good idea.
In Atlantic County, there is no law requiring you to hire an attorney to help you during the name change process. However, as illustrated earlier, modifying a name can be challenging.
If you do not have legal training, it may be difficult to meet the standards. It is a difficult task to ensure that you have completed each step along the way and that there are no inappropriate services or filing mistakes.
Employing an Atlantic County name change attorney to help with the formal name change process has several benefits. Our attorneys will collaborate with you to obtain a better processing time, greater peace of mind, and, most importantly, a higher success rate.
What is the Process of Changing Names for an Adult?
The process of changing an adult’s name involves several steps. They include:
Fill up the Necessary Forms
To start the process of name change in Cumberland County, you need to fill and submit the right documents. For instance, you need a recognized proof of identity that bears your present name and birthdate. This includes a passport, driver’s license, or Birth Certificate.
Submit the Necessary Documents to the Court
Once you have the necessary documents, you need to file a request to the Civil law Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey. You also need to pay the filing fee. During submission, ensure that you include a self-addressed stamped Envelope to allow the court to send you back the pertinent documents.
Wait for the Return Mail
Upon receipt, check the mail for the exact date and time for your hearing.
Publish Notice on Petition in Newspaper
Publish the exact date and time for your intention in an accredited newspaper at least two weeks before the date of hearing. Do not forget to send to the court the affidavit of publication that will be given to you by the newspaper upon publication.
Notify the Right Individuals
The next step is to inform prosecutors, courts, or other significant people regarding your intention a change of name. You also need to notify those that are affected by the name change. It is advisable to inform the court earlier so they can advise you on how to pursue your request.
A Cumberland County name change lawyer would be a good option to have in situations like this. They will provide you with unprecedented knowledge of the proceeding and the subsequent steps you will need to undertake regarding your case.
Attend the Hearing
When attending the court hearing, ensure that you respect the judge and be mindful of the whole proceeding. Also, don’t forget to bring copies of all the documents you have regarding your request to guide and remind you of the exact details on any questions you need to answer.
Wait for the Final Court Order
The final order for your name change request in Cumberland County may take about 60 to 90 days on average.
Publish the Order for Your Change of Name
After receiving the final order for your name change, you are once again required to publish it in an accredited newspaper and send back to court the affidavit of publication.
Notify Relevant Government Offices
Don’t forget to send copies to government offices that need this relevant information for your new names.
Cumberland County Name Change Frequently Asked Questions
What Offices Should One Notify In Case of Change of Name?
In the event that your petition for the name change has been duly granted by the local court, there are several agencies that you need to notify. They include:
- The New Jersey Social security Administration (SSA)
- The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC)
- New Jersey Treasury Department
- New Jersey Registrar of Vital Statistics
- The Department of Health in the state capital where one is born
Is the process the same for minors?
Basically, the process of changing the name of minors is almost the same as that of an adult. The only difference is when there is only one parent filing on behalf of the child and the other parent is not living with them or with the child.
In such cases, the petitioning parent representing the child should send to the other parent a copy of the Verified Complaint and Certification of Order Fixing Date of Hearing at least 20 days prior to the date of hearing.
The parent or guardian also needs to send it via certified mail to ensure a return receipt. This will give the other parent an opportunity to object should he feel that it will not benefit the child at all.
Whether you are processing a name change for an adult or minor, the process requires an involved process to ensure approval within the expected span of time if not earlier. To ensure the success of your name change process, consider hiring a Cumberland County name change lawyer. Consulting an expert on name-changing proceedings will save you time, effort, and resources.
Hire a Cumberland County Name Change Lawyer at Bhatt Law Group for a More Seamless Name Change Process
If you live in Cumberland County and would like help to legally change your name, don’t hesitate to contact lawyers from Bhatt Law Group. All our attorneys are licensed and experienced and can take care of the complicated legal process to increase your chances of getting a favorable ruling. Call (201) 798-8000 for free consultation and answers to your questions.