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Jersey City Domestic Violence Lawyer
Are you searching for a lawyer to represent you in a domestic violence case? We can help you! Our team of lawyers have handled hundreds of domestic violence cases over the years. We proudly represent clients throughout New Jersey for domestic violence matters.
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We proudly represent clients throughout New Jersey
When an individual willfully and knowingly causes harm to someone in their immediate family or another member of their household, domestic violence occurs. Domestic violence may involve actual physical harm or the use of threats in order to induce fear or imminent harm. Regardless of whether you are being accused of domestic violence or concerned that you are the victim of it, you need an experienced Jersey City domestic violence lawyer from Bhatt Law Group by your side.
Call us today at (201) 798-8000 to start working on your case. Our compassionate and skilled Jersey City criminal defense lawyers will give you personalized attention and make sure your rights are represented throughout the legal process.
The New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act
In 1991, the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act was created. It states that domestic violence has occurred if one or a number of the following acts took place:
- Assault or sexual assault
- Sexual contact or lewdness
- Robbery or burglary
- Stalking or harassment
- Homicide
- Kidnapping
- Criminal mischief or trespass
In order to be a victim of domestic violence, you must be at least 18 years old and the spouse, ex-spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, roommate, family member, caretaker, or anyone else who has lived with the offender.
What Happens at the Scene of a Domestic Violence Arrest?
When 911 is called because someone is in a situation where they believe they are the victim of domestic violence, the police will make an arrest or decide whether it is warranted. The police may investigate who committed the domestic violence by looking at the history between both parties, the severity of the injuries, and various other circumstances. The violation of a restraining order or the existence of a warrant are other reasons that justify a domestic violence arrest.
Relief for Domestic Violence Victims
If you believe that you are a victim of domestic violence, a Jersey City domestic violence attorney may be able to help you find relief through a restraining order. In New Jersey, you can obtain a temporary restraining order or TRO through a hearing where the other party is not present. TROs are usually enforced for up to 10 days or until the hearing for the final restraining order takes place. It’s important to note that the individual who is being served with the restraining order may contest it during the hearing.
Relief for Individuals Accused of Domestic Violence
If you have committed domestic violence and violated a restraining order, you will likely face serious consequences. A restraining order violation can make it impossible for you to stay in your home or see, call, or even email your children, achieve child custody rights, keep your career, and own a gun. You may also be forced to pay a $10,000 fine and spend up to 18 months in prison.
Since restraining orders can be very difficult to remove or discharge and there is a short time frame of 10 days between the TRO and final restraining order, you must consult a Jersey City domestic violence lawyer as soon as you are accused. Our criminal defense attorneys understand that many times, police make domestic violence arrests based on one person’s story of what occurred. Therefore, they’ll ensure your account of the story is taken into consideration to try to get your charges withdrawn.
Call a Jersey City Domestic Violence Lawyer at Bhatt Law Group
Bhatt Law Group has years of experience representing alleged victims as well as individuals who are accused of domestic violence. If you are involved in a domestic violence case, call one of our Jersey City domestic violence attorneys at (201) 798-8000 for a free case evaluation. We will investigate your case and make every effort to improve the outcome of your situation.