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New Jersey Driver’s License Suspension
Charged with a criminal offense? We can help you. Our team of criminal defense lawyers, including former public defenders and prosecutors, have successfully helped thousands of clients fight their criminal charges. We proudly represent clients throughout New Jersey.
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We proudly represent clients throughout New Jersey
Most people rely on the ability to drive in every aspect of their lives, including traveling to and from work and caring for family members. When that ability is threatened by a potential driver’s license suspension, the future can be uncertain. You may be concerned about how you will take care of daily responsibilities without a license.
Defending against a driver’s license suspension can be a complicated matter. You should consult with an experienced Jersey City criminal defense attorney right away if you get a notice of proposed suspension from the state. Bhatt Law Group has attorneys with decades of combined experience in advocating for people in matters ranging from minor traffic infractions to serious charges like DUIs. Call us at (201) 798-8000 right away so we can help protect your rights from the very beginning of suspension proceedings.
Reasons You May Lose Your License
A driver’s license suspension may be imposed for many situations in New Jersey, including:
- Refusal to take a breathalyzer test
- DWI/DUI conviction
- Traffic offenses
- Failure to provide proof of motor vehicle insurance
- Failure to pay fines or court fees
- Mental or physical condition
- Abandoning a vehicle on a public highway
- Criminal conviction
Although the details of each suspension will vary according to court order, suspensions related to traffic-related offenses are more predictable.
Refusal to Take a Breathalyzer Test
New Jersey is considered an implied consent state when it comes to breathalyzer tests. This means that when you drive on a New Jersey road, you are agreeing to submit to a breathalyzer test following an arrest for a DUI. Refusal to take a breathalyzer test may subject you to mandatory penalties that are similar to being convicted of a DUI, including:
- First Offense – Driver’s license suspension from 7 months to 1 year
- Second Offense – Driver’s license suspension of up to 2 years
- Third and Subsequent Offenses – Driver’s license suspension for up to 10 years
DWI/DUI License Suspension
A DUI conviction may carry severe criminal penalties depending on blood alcohol content (BAC) and existence of previous offenses. These penalties include a driver’s license suspension for a period of time in addition to a potential prison term, fines, community service, and the installation of an ignition interlock device.
Driver’s license suspensions may be imposed for the following:
- First Offense DUI with a BAC of 0.08 to 0.10 Percent – up to 3 months
- First Offense DUI with a BAC of 0.10 Percent or Higher – 7 months to 1 year
- Second Offense DUI – up to 2 years
- Third Offense Within 10 years – up to 10 years
- Driving While on DUI Suspension – additional 1 to 2 years added to suspension
- Driving While Possessing Drugs – up to 2 years
Suspension for Traffic Violations and Points
The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission may also suspend your driver’s license if you’ve committed enough traffic violations to accumulate excessive points on your driving record (typically 12 points or more). First, the Commission will mail you a notice informing you of a proposed suspension of your license. You may contest the proposed suspension by requesting a New Jersey DMV hearing, which takes place in one of the Commission’s regional centers. During a hearing, you will meet with a hearing officer to discuss your case and review your record. The length of a suspension in these cases may range between 14 to 30 days.
Restoring Your License
If your license has been suspended for any reason, you may have to take the following steps:
- Satisfaction of all suspensions and summons
- Application to have driving privileges restored
- Payment of $100 fee
An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help
If you’ve received a notice of proposed suspension in the mail, are facing DWI/DUI or other criminal charges, or refused to take a breathalyzer test, you may be facing the loss of your driving privileges. Bhatt Law Group can provide you with an experienced advocate who will work with you to achieve a favorable result and potentially avoid the serious impact of losing your driver’s license. If you’re wondering,”is it worth going to trial for DUI” then call one of our experienced Jersey City DUI attorneys today. We can also help you get your driving privileges restored if your license has been suspended.
Call us at (201) 798-8000 so we can provide you with a free initial consultation on your case.
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