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Jersey City Speeding Ticket Attorney
Charged with a criminal offense? We can help you. Our team of criminal defense lawyers, including former public defenders and prosecutors, have successfully helped thousands of clients fight their criminal charges. We proudly represent clients throughout New Jersey.
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We proudly represent clients throughout New Jersey
As the second-most populous city of New Jersey, you can expect to find a lot of traffic on the streets of Jersey City. When you catch a break from the congested traffic on the road, it is very tempting to want to speed in order to make up for lost time. However, speeding is a traffic violation that should be taken seriously. It could result in a hefty citation and possibly some more severe penalties, depending on how fast you were going.
Don’t assume that speeding is not a serious offense because it can be under certain circumstances. If you’re lucky, a speeding ticket will be the only punishment you receive from this traffic violation. Speeding could also result in a traffic accident if you let it get out of control. If you speed and end up damaging property or injuring someone, then you will end up with very serious criminal charges filed against you.
Speeding Laws in Jersey City
When you are caught speeding in New Jersey, there are two forms of punishment that you will receive. The first form of punishment is a speeding ticket, which is basically a fine that you must pay for the speeding violation that you committed. The second form of punishment are points against your driving record.
Most of the major roads in New Jersey have speed limit signs posted on them. Whatever the speed limit states on the sign, you are supposed to stay at or under that speed. If you go over the speed limit by a certain number of miles per hour, then you are subjected to a speeding ticket.
Here are the costs involved:
- If you go 1 to 9 miles per hour over the speed limit, then your speeding ticket will cost approximately $85. Most police officers won’t stop you for going 1 to 5 mph over the speed limit, but they might stop you for going 5 to 9 mph over it.
- If you go 10 to 14 mph over the speed limit, the cost of the ticket is $95.
- If you go 15 to 19 mph over the speed limit, the cost of the ticket is $105.
- If you go 20 to 24 mph over the speed limit, the cost of the ticket is $200.
- If you go 25 to 29 mph over the speed limit, the cost of the ticket is $220.
- If you go 30 to 34 mph over the speed limit, the cost of the ticket is $240.
- If you go 35 to 39 mph over the speed limit, the cost of the ticket is $260.
If you end up driving 25 mph over the speed limit in a residential or commercial district, then you could be charged with committing additional traffic violations, such as aggressive driving or reckless driving. An arrest might be warranted if the circumstances of your speeding were too extreme for the road you were on.
Speeding fines will nearly double if you speed in a construction zone or school zone. This is another reason why speeding is not a good habit. If you casually speed through one of these zones, then it is a more serious violation. Your chances of being charged with reckless driving will increase too.
Points Against Your Driving Record
The money you have to pay for a speeding ticket is the least of your worries. Speeding violations will cause motor vehicle points to be added against your driving record. The rate of speed determines how many points get added. Let’s look at these rates below:
- If you drove between 1 and 14 mph faster than the posted speed limit permits, then your driving record will have 2 points added against it.
- If you drove between 14 and 29 mph faster than the posted speed limit permits, then your driving record will have 4 points added against it.
- If you drove 30 mph or more over the posted speed limit, then your driving record will have 5 points added against it.
You can only incur so many points against your driving record before they start to limit your legal driving rights. If you accumulate at least 10 points against your record within 1 year, then your driver’s license will be suspended. Your car insurance rates may also increase because your insurance company will consider you a higher risk driver. Points are only added against your record if you’re found guilty of the initial speeding violation.
Hire a Speeding Ticket Attorney in Jersey City
After you are issued a speeding ticket by a police officer, there are a few ways you can proceed from this point. You can plead guilty and pay your ticket, or you can fight the charges and hope for the best. If you choose the first option, then you will definitely have points added against your record. Don’t be so quick to choose this option. See if there is a way you can fight it.
Bhatt Law Group has an elite team of speeding ticket attorneys who can help you avoid getting any points against your record. Sometimes the prosecutor might be willing to make a plea deal which involves no points if you agree to take a Driver Improvement Program or Defensive Driving Program.
New Jersey law does not allow drivers to enter a “no contest” plea to avoid the consequences of a speeding ticket. If you don’t get a plea deal from the prosecutor and you don’t want to admit guilt, then you’ll need a speeding ticket attorney to fight the charges on your behalf. Don’t try to defend yourself against the speeding charges because you could end up paying a huge fine if you lose the case. It could potentially do more damage to your driving record too.
You probably have a lot of questions. That is good because we are here to answer them. Contact us at (201) 798-8000 to schedule an appointment.
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