Case Results


Veteran Sees Assaulting an Officer Charge Drastically Reduced

Published in Criminal Defense

Regrettably, sometimes when individuals interact with police, emotions run high and a hectic atmosphere can result in normally law abiding citizens being charged with life-altering crimes. If you are ever caught up in such an unfortunate position in the Jersey City area, it is essential that you reach out to a skilled criminal defense attorney with considerable experience dealing with various courts and members of law enforcement to help achieve a favorable resolution.

For example, after a heated exchange with police, a female veteran in Piscataway, NJ that had previously served in Afghanistan wound up charged with simple assault against a police officer. This very serious criminal charge now exposed her to possible incarceration in addition to a conviction appearing on her record. The woman obviously wanted to avoid time in jail, but she also knew that a conviction for assaulting a police officer would cause irrevocable damage and severely limit her future opportunities. Therefore, she decided to consult with a capable legal professional at Bhatt Law Group to review her available options.

Our Jersey City criminal defense lawyers went over her case and reviewed all the available evidence to craft a strong defense. While the officer was originally adamant that our client should be held fully accountable, we advised our client to attend alcohol and anger management classes in addition to writing an apology to the officer in question. Afterward, we presented the woman’s progress to the court and negotiated to reduce the assault offense to a lesser municipal violation, which only required paying a small fine. By avoiding such grievous charges, our client’s fears of imprisonment and a permanent conviction for a momentary lapse in judgment were eliminated.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.